Going Digital for Growth | Highcliffe School

Going Digital for Growth

Highcliffe Castle 21 March 2017 - Get your Business Up to Speed

As part of Christchurch Borough Council ‘Go for Growth’ Miss Burden and five Year 13 students went to a Business Breakfast at Highcliffe Castle which was attended by a large number of local businesses. We had some guest speakers, Jake Moore from Dorset Police who gave a really interesting talk on Cyber Security for Businesses and also, Sharlene Lopez from Eye Catcher Media spoke about global marketing.

“The overall experience was great; we got to talk to a variety of people whose jobs require ICT in there every day work life. Talking to them about different work experiences and their views on apprenticeships, gave us all range of ideas about our own futures using ICT”. Y13 student

    Owned by: LDN | Last Published: 03/04/2017 08:40:54 | Next Update: N/A

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