Live Lounge 2017! | Highcliffe School

Live Lounge 2017!

Sold out performance in aid of The Lighthouse Youth and Community Centre

On Thursday 6th April, Year 13 BTEC Music students successfully planned, organised and performed at this year’s Live Lounge event. The sold out performance saw Ellie Breckon, Yasmin Kessel, Lydia Myatt and Samuel Roberts raise money for the local charity The Lighthouse Youth and Community Centre in Christchurch.




Below are some words from Ellie Breckon in year 13 about BTEC live lounge event and her experience on the Music BTEC course:


As a BTEC group, we were put in charge of organising a Live Lounge event for students to participate in and for us to act as the host band. This included keeping within a budget, deciding a theme for the evening, rehearsing our own “Live Lounge” repertoire and putting on auditions for younger students so we could explore the talent throughout the school. The Live Lounge event was an overall success and a part of the course that I have really enjoyed. As an ensemble group, we get along very well as friends and musicians which has contributed to making the subject even more enjoyable. I chose BTEC Music for an opportunity to further develop my interest in music and my love for performing as a soloist and as part of an ensemble group. I would advise anyone with a keen interest in music to choose this course as a chance to develop your musical skills further and become part of something inspiring.


    Owned by: ldn | Last Published: 05/06/2017 15:18:10 | Next Update: N/A

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