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A Level Biologists on the Jurassic Coast | Highcliffe School

A Level Biologists on the Jurassic Coast

The annual residential field trip took the Biology students to Lesson House Field studies Centre in October.

Day 1 of the trip focussed on freshwater river sampling and looked at Biodiversity measurements in relation to dissolved oxygen levels in the river and the key indicator species of differing river habitats. The evening was spent using a variety of statistical techniques to analyse the data collected and to draw conclusions about water quality and pollution levels.

Day 2 and the students were off early in the morning to Kimmeridge Bay for an introduction to marine ecology, where the study focussed on a sampling technique using belt transects on the rocky shore. Students looked at the wide variety of adaptations that marine organisms use to enable them to survive in such harsh environmental conditions. Even the stomping behaviour of the common limpet, Patella vulgaris, was discussed! 

Day 3 and the group were off to study sand dune succession on one of the UK’s most important SSSIs where all 6 native reptiles can be found. The group were looking at how plant species vary from the pioneer plants at the start of a dune complex change over distance to form the climax communities of the inner dunes.

The group also spent time with a leading expert on the tagging and releasing of birds to follow their migratory paths around the world as well as their feeding and living habits along the Jurassic Coast. The technique involved the catching, logging, ringing and release of the birds so that they could become part of an on-going international study.

After evening studies on the last night, relaxation time was around the fire pit where a selection of wild food was cooked on an open fire. In true seasonal spirit, pumpkins were carved and Bannock bread was baked on the wood embers using freshly coppiced hazel wood sticks whilst marshmallows topped off the evening by the fireside!

    Owned by: NOC | Last Published: 09/11/2017 14:56:20 | Next Update: N/A

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