Oxford Languages mock interview for Sixth Former | Highcliffe School

Oxford Languages mock interview for Sixth Former

Prospective Oxford student and Sixth Former, Andrei, skypes with Jacob, a current Oxford student in his final year studying French and Spanish.

On Friday 1st December Andrei, a current year 12 at Highcliffe Sixth Form and prospective Oxford University student had a very special opportunity to practice his interview skills with former Highcliffe student, Jacob Brennan.

Jacob came to Highcliffe and achieved 3 A's in French, Spanish and English Literature at A Level he is now in his final year at Oxford University studying French and Spanish, a course very similar to what Andrei aspires to do. After being accepted to interview for Oxford, Mr Maurice organised a video conference for Andrei to get a feel for what interviewing for Oxford entails.

Jacob had previously sent Andrei two literacy extracts, a novel and a poem, which could be the type of document given to Andrei prior to his real interview. Andrei was then advised to spend forty minutes on each extract highlighting any formal features that are interesting, looking for the tone and register used in each, Jacob then went on to ask Andrei questions about the texts and gave him specific feedback on the type of answers Oxford are looking for, he also advised on the overall structure of the interview, pulling form his own personal experience. Some of our current year 11 dual linguists witnessed the interview and where highly motivated by this experience.

"As a French teacher, it was a magical moment to see a former Highcliffe student studying French at Oxford and giving a mock interview to one of our year 13 who has recently had success with his application to do French at Oxford." - Mr Maurice

"The interview was reassuring and allowed me a unique opportunity to practice the level of discussion and eloquence that an interview from a university like Oxford demands. The power of modern technology and the dedication of the IT staff allowed me this almost magical opportunity and it was touching to see every part of the school working together to support me on this journey." - Andrei Gheorghe

    Owned by: JME | Last Published: 08/12/2017 10:49:44 | Next Update: N/A

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