The day was for students with a keen interest in studying Mathematics or Mathematics related subjects at University. The biggest focus of the day was on the STEP and MAT examinations, these are subject-specific examinations used in conditional offers for Cambridge University and admissions tests for Oxford University respectively. These tests are also necessary for entry into many other top universities’ Mathematics courses.
The students took part in three workshops throughout the day; Fun with Proof, Writing and Communicating Mathematics and STEP/MAT/TMUA questions in depth. Our Further Maths students also competed in a ‘FunMaths Roadshow’ in which the aim was to complete as many problem-solving questions successfully as they could in a given amount of time. Congratulations to Callum, Kai and Georgia who completed 14 questions successfully and came second overall in the competition.
Owned by: JKY | Last Published: 24/01/2018 10:23:40 | Next Update: N/A