Successful first day of Year 10 Mock Interviews | Highcliffe School

Successful first day of Year 10 Mock Interviews

Our first round of mock interviews sees 91 of our students conduct themself professionally and confidently

Over 90 Year 10 students at Highcliffe School yesterday enjoyed a successful first day of Mock Interviews. Our interviewers come from a wide variety of backgrounds; Accountants, Human Resources Managers, local business people, members of Christchurch and East Dorset Council and solicitors to name a few.


Each student had a thorough interview being asked questions like “Employers need problem solvers. Give me an example of when you have managed to successfully solve a problem at home, at work or at school?” as well as How are you going to achieve your career ambitions/how are you going to get there? The interview was followed by feedback from the interviewer on how well they did and how they represented themselves.



Students have been preparing for this from the beginning of the year with their tutors, completing their portfolios, which they take with them to their interview. Their portfolio includes a CV and a personalised cover letter alongside any relevant certificates and qualifications as well as some of their very best pieces of work.


Feedback so far from students and interviewers has been fantastic with students being praised for their enthusiasm and confidence. Highcliffe School values the knowledge from our ‘experts’ who give their time freely in order to prepare our students for the world of work, especially as they are about to embark on their Work Experience in the Summer term.



Here are what some of our interviewers said of their experience with our students.


“The school has put on a fantastic experience for the students; all came across as very professional. The answers provided and the confidence the students conveyed was great, an event which should definitely happen every year!”Christian (JP Morgan)

“This is the third year I have participated in mock interview day as an interviewer. The pupils are always polite, positive and engaging. Most have a good idea about what they want to do as a career path but not always how to go about achieving their objective. I believe the interview experience is very useful and will make their first proper interview a less stressful occasion.”  - Gordon (Chartered MCIPD)

The rest of our Year 10’s will be taking part on dates over the next few weeks!


    Owned by: CWN | Last Published: 08/02/2018 12:58:06 | Next Update:

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