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Up For Debate 2018 | Highcliffe School

Up For Debate 2018

On Thursday 19th April, three year 9 students – Sophie, Daniella and Woody – went up to London to participate in the southeast regional heat of PiXL debating competition.

The three students had spent much of the Easter break preparing their arguments and speeches. By 6am on Thursday morning, when we departed from Christchurch station, they were all ready with their debates. The topics were very challenging. They were going to argue in support of a junk food tax, and then against cultural treasures being returned to their country of origin.


On the way up, Sophie, Daniella and Woody spent much time refining their arguments. In fact, so impressive were they that a passenger wished them luck as we disembarked at Waterloo. “They know what they’re talking about,” he said. It was pleasing to be able to inform him that the students were from Highcliffe School – a state comprehensive.


At 10.30, the students began the first debate on junk food. Not only did they deliver their speeches with considerable skill, they carefully analysed how they had performed afterwards. Woody, in particular, acted as an excellent motivational speaker after each debate. When we got the result of the first debate, the students were really fired up – Highcliffe had won.



Later that morning, Highcliffe had their second debate. Again the students delivered their speeches with skill and passion, but this time round we lost. In fact, we lost to the team who became the eventual winners.



The final round was arguably the most challenging of all. The students had to prepare an impromptu debate on a previously unseen topic. The debate topic was on assisted suicide. The students had 20 minutes in which to prepare their arguments and speeches. This debate was particular close. Sophie delivered a fantastic summing up in which she pulled all the points together and addressed questions that had been raised. But it was not to be our day. Despite this tremendous summing up, we lost the final debate.



Nevertheless, it was a magnificent day. All three students felt really challenged and inspired by what they had experienced. Woody called the event “exhilarating.” Sophie, Daniella, and Woody proved that they could do a number of things: they can prepare and deliver four minute speeches; think through the arguments on difficult topics and apply critical thinking skills to these topics; and “think on their feet” by responding to challenging questions when the pressure is on. 


Sophie, Daniella, and Woody also showed they can speak in public and do it fearlessly. This was particularly evident with Daniella who, when unleashed, showed she can speak with passion and power. Her skill was recognised by the judges when she was one of 10 students to receive a public speaking award at the end of the day. 


It has to be said: all three students did a fantastic job. The work Sophie, Daniella, and Woody did in putting together their arguments and speeches beforehand, and the courage they showed in delivering them on the day was hugely impressive to watch.


The Year 9 Debate Club runs every Thursday lunchtime in En1. Why not come along if interested?


    Owned by: DBN | Last Published: 26/04/2018 12:11:11 | Next Update: N/A

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