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Highcliffe Musicians Perform for Hordle Primary | Highcliffe School

Highcliffe Musicians Perform for Hordle Primary

Fourteen of our able musicians visited Hordle Primary School to showcase the music and musical opportunities available here at Highcliffe School.

The Concert Band, the Folk Band and a student-led ensemble performed for the whole school and five of our able students gave a short presentation and demonstration of their instrument.

The younger students had an introduction to the clarinet, the saxophone, the trumpet, the trombone and the harp as each of our able students talked eloquently about how each instrument works. They also shared their own experience of learning an instrument, the ensembles & performances they have been involved in and their musical achievements.

The ensembles showcased a variety of musical styles from a marching band style arrangement of ‘Pack Up Your Troubles’, the jazz standard ‘It Don’t Mean a Thing’ with improvisation by Ciaran and Charlie, a traditional folk carol and sea shanty instrumental arrangements and a jazz/funk medley of ‘Funky Town’ and ‘I Feel Good’.

Both the primary school and Highcliffe students thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and we look forwards to future links with the school as we develop a collaborative performance opportunity for the summer term.

    Owned by: RBR | Last Published: 23/11/2018 11:23:19 | Next Update: N/A

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