Mathematicians Compete at Blandford School | Highcliffe School

Mathematicians Compete at Blandford School

Eight of our top Year 10 Mathematicians visited Blandford School on Wednesday 20th March to take part in the AMSP Year 10 Maths Feast event.

This consisted of four different rounds of working individually, in pairs or as a group of 4 to solve challenging and complex problems. Both of our teams worked effectively together throughout the day and achieved some great results in all of the rounds. Our teams said they really enjoyed being challenged with the faced paced exercises.




Maths Feast is a fun educational challenge for Year 10 students testing them in problem solving and teamwork skills, run by AMSP (Advanced Mathematics Support Programme) a government funded initiative managed by MEI (Mathematics Education Innovation) aiming to increase participation in Core Mathematics, A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics as well as improve the teaching of Mathematics.






    Owned by: RCE | Last Published: 25/03/2019 09:42:22 | Next Update: N/A

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