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Sewing for The Big Issue | Highcliffe School

Sewing for The Big Issue

A group of our Year 9 students have been spending their Friday lunchtimes sewing to help the homeless, here is a report from one of the sewers…

'Earlier this year, a group of us in Year 9, decided that we wanted to help the people we have seen in our local area, primarily the people selling The Big Issue magazines around Christchurch and Highcliffe.

It inspired us to make something that can help them or others in the same situation. We decided to make a blanket out of recycled material that had been donated to us at school so that when homeless people are outside, particularly at night or in winter, they are warm.

We meet every Friday to design the blanket and then sew it together with the help of two teachers, Miss Lang-Jones and Mrs Douglas. Because we want to make a change in our local area, we thought that helping some of the people that need the support the most would benefit from us and also we would be learning and improving our sewing techniques.

Most of us take for granted that we have a warm house and a bed to sleep in every night and can sometimes forget that there are others who are not as fortunate as us, so we hope that this blanket will make someone who needs it smile.'


-Esther, Year 9


    Owned by: GLS | Last Published: 05/04/2019 09:58:06 | Next Update: N/A

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