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Chess Success for Second Year | Highcliffe School

Chess Success for Second Year

Highcliffe School have won the Bournemouth and Poole Inter-School Chess Competition and retain the cup for a second year.

Highcliffe have beat Bournemouth School in the semi-final and Poole Grammar in the final, both by the narrowest of margins.


In the final, Barnaby, Andrea and Dane on the top three boards, had difficult, exciting games against very strong opposition. Andrea got the best score here, winning 2/3.


Ben and George both scored 3/3 and won the match for us on the lower boards. Ben showed true grit. He was a Queen down in one game but played on and found a win. George was playing for the school for the first time but still managed to win all his games.


Celia and Reggie shared board 6 and showed great courage by standing up to strong opponents. The team spirit was wonderful and possibly the main factor in achieving the narrow victories over both grammar schools. Our team play every lunchtime, just for fun. They are determined and not scared of losing.


Come along to VI3 if you would like to join us!





    Owned by: BLE | Last Published: 28/09/2019 22:56:31 | Next Update: N/A

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