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Year 10 Work Experience with the BSO | Highcliffe School

Year 10 Work Experience with the BSO

Our Year 10 Work Experience season begins with a placement at the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. Juliet tells us about her week with the BSO:

"From the 17th to 21st June, I spent a week on work experience at the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, based at The Lighthouse in Poole. I found the experience really valuable and exciting; it gave me an insight into the many different musical roles involved in a professional orchestra.
It all started back in October last year with an application form and a telephone interview. I was overjoyed to find out a few days later, I had secured the placement.

During the week, I had the opportunity to complete a Bronze Arts Award. This involved 4 sections, one of which was exploring the arts as a participant. I spent a morning in the music library, where all the hundreds of scores that the orchestra owns are kept. I sorted and ordered the music into folders; it had to be sorted by instrument and then by part, ready for their next concerts. I really enjoyed having this sense of purpose and responsibility.

I also helped with four schools' concerts - annual events on 18th and 19th June, attended by primary schools from across the south-west. I registered schools as they entered and showed groups to their seats. I was also able to watch the concert. It had a space theme to mark 50 years since the moon landing and contained many well-known pieces like 'Jupiter' from 'The Planets' and the E.T theme tune. It was interactive, so the children could join in with actions and singing. They seemed to be really engaged.

As part of the award, I also completed a "skills share", which involved doing a presentation/ workshop to BSO staff about an arts-based hobby. I chose to focus on song writing. It was a bit nerve-wracking presenting to music professionals, but they put me at ease and even said I had taught them something!

I really enjoyed the new experience of being in a working environment. When I imagined the BSO, I thought only of the musicians who play in the orchestra, but there are several different departments and a range of different musical careers within a professional orchestra."

- Juliet, Year 10

    Owned by: RBR | Last Published: 26/06/2019 14:13:48 | Next Update: n/a

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