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Year 8 and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra | Highcliffe School

Year 8 and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra

Zadie had the opportunity to take part in the SoundStorm event ‘Transmission’. Here she tells about her experience:

My violin Orchestra (The Coda Fiddle Orchestra) was asked to perform in the Transmission concert being held by Soundstorm on 3rd July on an open-air stage at Upton Country House.

When they had picked out certain members of the orchestra to be in it, the composer of Transmission, Mr. John K Miles, visited our orchestra to tell us about the piece he had written. Our advanced group was split into first and second violins then he played us the soundtrack and we read the music along to it.

Mr. Miles wrote ‘Transmission’ for the finale of the concert, which was all about celebrating 50 years since the first man walked on the moon. This piece, which is about 2 people trying to communicate from outer space, had various different styles of music in it, which was about 15 minutes long but great to listen to!

As violins, we had to use pizzicato and Arco and it sounded really cool mixed together with the other instruments on stage.

Our orchestra (the strings section) had a solo to play one of the catchy lines in the middle of the song whilst the choir sung the words.

In preparation for the concert, we had an all-day rehearsal at the end of June, which was the first time all the instruments had played together. This was an experience and some of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra were on hand to help us with our practice.

On the day of the performance, we arrived at Upton House in time for a sound check. After that, we were free to listen to the rest of the performers until it was time for our finale piece.

I really enjoyed performing in the Transmission concert because I got to meet musicians from all around the area. I also really enjoyed this because we got to perform with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and had a Conductor, (the Composer John Miles) it was also a new experience to play with all the different instruments.

If I had the choice to do this again I definitely would, as it was a fantastic experience!


    Owned by: RBR | Last Published: 17/07/2019 08:18:57 | Next Update: N/A

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