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GCSE Results 2019 | Highcliffe School

GCSE Results 2019

Today we are again celebrating the best ever GCSE results in the school’s history, for the fourth time in five years.

Early indicators for 2019 point strongly towards the school ‘adding value’ to its students since they completed Key Stage 2 and joined us in Year 7– meaning our students in general achieved higher grades than students of similar ability nationally.

Four of the last five years have each produced the school’s best-ever GSCE results with Highcliffe students achieving on average significantly higher grades than the national trends.

Following last week’s very good A Level results in our Sixth Form Highcliffe School staff and students are once again celebrating the best ever GCSE results in the school’s history, which break all previous records in the school.

Particularly strong results were achieved by students in English, Maths and Science. 83% of students passed English at Grade 4 or better, 81% passed Maths and 75% passed at least two Sciences at Grade 4 or better.  82% of all grades achieved by students across all subjects were Grade 4 Standard Passes or better.

Moreover, 79% of all the grades achieved by our 196 students were the important Strong Pass Grade 5 or better, which reflects extremely positively compared to their ability on entry at the end of primary school. A substantial number of students achieved on average 2 grades higher across their 8 subjects than students with similar ability to them at the end of primary school did elsewhere in the country.

A very proud Headteacher Patrick Earnshaw said “Following last week’s very good A Level results today’s fourth set in five years of record-breaking best-ever GCSE results are welcome news for the community we serve.  I’m delighted for our students and their families and incredibly proud of the staff team who educated and supported our Year 11s to such a level of success.  Great results like this will enable Highcliffe students to move on to our Sixth Form, local colleges or apprenticeships or employment.  I have no doubt that as well as those in Year 11, students across Years 8 to 10 and their families share my delight at these results, as will the 270 students about to join a heavily over-subscribed Year 7 in September.”

Examples of outstanding individual success stories are:

Mia Fidge, who achieved 8 Grades 9s.

19 students who achieved at least one the top grade 9 are Ruby Blackmore, Jason Court, Jessica Dawson-King, Klara Domas, Ella English, Eleanda Evans, Annabel Garner, Abigail Hefferan, Sean Hilliard, Chloe Maycock, Jai Nash, Toby Nash, Shannon Packard, Lucy Rook, Nathan Swann, Isaac Theis and Javier Garcia Torres.

Ben Keith, Melissa Cavner, Abbie Hefferan, Annabel Garner, Lucy Rook, Jason Court, who all achieved at least 2 grades higher in each subject then their Key Stage 2 scores indicated they might.  




    Owned by: PEW | Last Published: 22/08/2019 10:24:05 | Next Update: N/A

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