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Peer Mentors | Highcliffe School

Peer Mentors

Peer Mentoring at Highcliffe aims to provide invaluable support for our new Year 7 students, helping them to navigate their transition successfully, and settle into their new life at Highcliffe School.

Being first introduced to students on Year 6 induction day, the Peer Mentors are involved in many key events with Year 7, such as their first day at school, as well as various events throughout the year. Peer Mentors provide individual and group support, spending one tutor time a week with their designated tutor group, alongside being able to provide 1-1 support to students where needed.   

The Peer Mentoring programme is a highly prestigious and coveted role for Year 10 students, teaching them further responsibility, developing their leadership skills and allowing them to flourish as role models for the school. All students who are offered the position of Peer Mentor are given training to ensure they have the necessary skills to support the Year 7 students throughout the year and to overcome any obstacles they may face.   

 Miss M Whitney - Anti-Bullying & Peer Mentoring Leader


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