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GCSE Results Day | Highcliffe School

GCSE Results Day

A message from our Headteacher

Repeating the same pattern seen last week with our A Level results, I am delighted our 2022 GCSEs also buck the reported national trend of decline by improving on 2021’s results. Although we are academically non-selective, for example, four students achieved 41 Grades 9s just between themselves. 27 students achieved on average top Grades 7-to-9 across all their GCSEs. Overall Standard and Strong Pass rates for Maths, English and Science were very high, as they were in the other subjects too. At present it looks like the ‘progress’ made overall by the 210 students in all their subjects combined, since their primary school SATs 5 years ago, is much higher than in previous years.  Congratulations to my dedicated staff team and our hard-working Year 11 students who together have successfully shrugged off the challenges of the last two years’ disruption and excelled.

    Owned by: PEW | Last Published: 25/08/2022 17:00:37 | Next Update: N/A

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