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Silver DofE practice | Highcliffe School

Silver DofE practice

On what was due to be a cold, wet weekend the Silver DofE students managed to escape fairly lightly. Friday began after school at Tile Barn Campsite in Brockenhurst with some route planning and refreshers on using the stoves. After an assortment of “boil in the bag” and dehydrated food was consumed, the students enjoyed some downtime and a game of football before the sunset. 

 As they climbed into their tents the temperature was dropping fast on a clear and starry night. After a cold night, where many of us had disrupted sleep, the morning wakeup was not a shock to some who were already packing up their kit. After clearing the site, the teams set off through the forest to Lyndhurst on what was a good days walk in unexpected sunshine. 

 Having arrived, the next camp was pitched and food cooked as the skies let a few rain drops fall. With all the students fed it was an early and departure into tents with the rain falling and for some, an early night than they may have normally at the weekend. 

 A warmer and better nights sleep saw all the teams up and out of camp early and again in unexpected good conditions they made their way on a shortened route to Burley. 

As the teams gradually arrived, others gradually departed. Firstly into the hugs of parents and secondly into the embrace of a nice warm car seat. A few sore hips, shoulders and feet were gained along the way and a few thoughts on kit they had brought were no doubt topics of conversation. There was also a big sense of achievement for all. 

 Next stop – the assessed expedition 19th – 21st May in the Purbecks. 

 A big thank you to Mrs Warner, Mr West & Mrs Faulkner-Smith for their support with the expedition.

    Owned by: ZHY | Last Published: 27/04/2023 21:02:31 | Next Update: N/A

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