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Main School Open Evening 2023 | Highcliffe School

Main School Open Evening 2023

Thursday 21st September 2023

We value the power of education to change lives. We believe young people learning mutual respect, being purposeful and responsible, and showing generosity towards others to be as important in their life as learning inquisitiveness, determination, and initiative. Students are happy, high achieving and proud to be members of the community, enjoying learning in a highly stimulating environment. A priority is developing young people as individuals, confident in their talents and interests.

Come along to our open evening on Thursday 21st September 2023 5:30pm – 8pm. Please note there is no need to book a place for this event, you are welcome to drop in and see our fantastic facilities and meet our wonderful staff and students anytime between 5:30pm and 8pm. 

To book a tour outside of these times please contact the school office.

    Owned by: HGE | Last Published: 09/08/2023 10:21:55 | Next Update: N/A

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