Piano Masterclass for our GCSE Music students | Highcliffe School

Piano Masterclass for our GCSE Music students

The masterclass was an opportunity for our pianists grade 6 and above to participate in a specialist tutorial with internationally acclaimed concert pianist Richard Meyrick. In partnership with the Pianoman Scholarships Scheme Richard has been touring schools throughout the UK for the last 20 years delivering his inimitable and inspiring piano masterclasses and workshops to young pianists some of whom have gone on to take up scholarships with tutoring in London and residential courses nationwide, including playing chamber music and concertos with professional musicians.   

The standard of performance from our students was exceptionally high and Richard was very impressed with the musicality of our pianists. Well done to all students involved and for showing such dedication and commitment to Music study on top of curriculum demands. We are looking forwards to the solo performance evening next week from our year 11 Music students as they complete their final piece of performance coursework for the Music GCSE – after today we know they can expect some excellent results.   

Thank you to Richard for his expertise and guidance and for inspiring our musicians in their journey towards concert standard performance. 

    Owned by: ZHY | Last Published: 09/10/2024 09:17:27 | Next Update: N/A

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