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Reading for pleasure, and taking pleasure in reading | Highcliffe School

Reading for pleasure, and taking pleasure in reading

As mentioned in an earlier letter, from January, Highcliffe School will be giving students and teachers the opportunity to take 15 minutes at the start of Period 5 to devote to "reading for pleasure".    

Students in Years 7 to 10 will need to make sure that they are "book-ready" and "ready to read"!    

For many of these sessions, students and teachers can simply settle to private reading of a book of their choice. However, there will be occasions when a teacher might share with students something from a book that they have enjoyed or introduce their students to an article relating to the subject. Teachers will also invite students to share something about their reading too.   

So it's not just about "reading for pleasure": it's also about "taking pleasure in reading".   

Would you like some ideas about books that students can choose? Here are some links to websites that offer plenty of recommendations of books for secondary age children:  




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