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COVID-19 Wellbeing | Highcliffe School

COVID-19 Wellbeing

With the events in relation to COVID-19, there may be some concerns or worries that you may wish to talk through with someone whilst the school is closed.  We would always recommend you talk to your parents where you can but understand that sometimes you may feel it easier to talk to someone else. The following are some of the support services available, which can also be found on page 14 of your school planner:-     


ChatHealth is available Monday – Friday 8.30 – 4.30 (not Bank Holidays), whether schools are open or closed, for any queries or concerns around emotional health, physical health, sexual health, family, exams, relationships etc - 07480 635511


A text service which is a free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.  Monday – Friday 12pm – 10pm.  Weekends 6pm – 10pm.


A national confidential advice service for young people.  0800 068 4141    www.papyrus-uk.org


For children and young people up to the age of 19.  0800 1111    www.childline.org.uk

    Owned by: SRY | Last Published: 02/09/2020 11:14:31 | Next Update: N/A

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