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Vacancies | Highcliffe School


 We reserve the right to close any post early should a suitable candidate apply before the deadline date. 

    Co-Opted Governor

    To join its Governing Body following the decision of an outstanding long-serving member of the Board to step down to focus

    on their expanding work commitments.

    Co-opted Governors are appointed directly by the Board in order to secure specialist areas of

    knowledge and expertise considered helpful to the school. Governors typically attend up to 6 2-hour

    long evening meetings a year. They also complete a 2-hour visit during a school day 3 times a year as

    a Link Governor with oversight of a key aspect of the school, and are encouraged to attend key

    school events – such as the bi-annual school production, annual Open Evening, and Christmas and

    Summer concerts.

    Governors are appointed for a 4-year term. Full training and support is provided. Our governing

    body is a highly professional but also warm, welcoming and supportive group of volunteers

    committed to helping the school thrive.

    Areas of expertise the school is seeking to secure now are in primary education and in health or

    social care.

    Initial enquires or no-strings-attached expressions of interest should be sent to

    clerktogovernors@highcliffeschool.com by 12 noon on Monday 31st March. Anyone potentially

    interested in joining the governing body is encouraged to contact this email address, to start a

    conversation about the role before making a final decision whether to put their name forward.

    To find out more about Highcliffe School please explore our website www.highcliffeschool.com

     Co-Opted Governor Advert.pdf

    Click here to view our Recruitment Privacy Notice.

    The Governing Body is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share in the commitment. This appointment is subject to an enhanced DBS check and positive references.

    Highcliffe School will conduct online searches of shortlisted candidates. This check will be part of a safeguarding check, and the search will purely be based on whether an individual is suitable to work with children. All aspects of social media and internet searches will be conducted. As care must be taken to avoid unconscious bias and any risk of discrimination, a person who will not be on the appointment panel will conduct the searches and will only share information if and when findings are relevant and of concern.

    Owned by: APS | Last Published: 11/03/2025 15:57:27 | Next Update: N/A