The History department intends to deliver a
broad and diverse History curriculum that encourages students to investigate
the past through the study of competing narratives. Students develop historical
skills through a rigorous and challenging curriculum that equips them to
explore the past.
The aims of the KS3 curriculum are;
To cover the substantive knowledge that will best help students understand the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History topics they will encounter at KS4.
To build up skills towards those required by GCSE questions, especially providing support for new elements like writing analytical narrative.
To give students the opportunity to look at history across a range of timescales, preparing them for depth, breadth and thematic units at GCSE.
Period/geographical links: British early modern history
Thematic links: the nature of international rivalry
Thematic/period links: the role of the USA internationally in the twentieth century
Exam Board: Edexcel
Qualification Title: History
Qualification Specification Code: H7
Qualification Webpage: Click here to visit the Edexcel webpage for the specification.
History is a very valuable and well respected subject and involves:
Learning about people - how they interact, the motives and emotions that can tear people apart into rival factions or help them to work together for a common cause (useful knowledge for team-building at work!)
Learning about countries, societies and cultures - so many of today's conflicts and alliances have their roots in the past; how can you negotiate with, trade successfully with, or report on a country if you know nothing of its history?
Learning to locate and sift facts - to identify truth and recognise myth, propaganda and downright lies (useful in every aspect of life!)
Presenting what you've learned in a way that makes sense to others - whether in graphs, essays or illustrated reports - and having the confidence to defend your findings.
Background knowledge for many of the topics is covered at KS3, an understanding of the importance of religion to British Society before 1700 is important. You need to be able to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the periods studied. Explain and analyse historical events and periods and be able to analyse, evaluate and use sources to make substantiated judgements. And analyse, evaluate and make substantiated judgements about interpretations (including how and why interpretations may differ) in the context of historical events studied.
Three written exam papers at the end of Year 11.
Paper One – Medicine through time 1 hour 15 mins (30%)
Paper Two – Superpower Relations and the Cold War AND Early Elizabethan England 1 hour 45 minutes (40%)
Paper Three - America: Conflict at Home and Abroad (Civil Rights and Vietnam) 1 hour 20 minutes (30%)
Law, Museums and Galleries, Historic Houses, Heritage Sites and Organisations, Record Offices, Archives, Libraries and Universities, Archaeology and Architecture, Conservation and Horticulture, National and Local Government, the Civil Service and the Diplomatic Service, The Media, The Police and Armed Forces, Teaching in Schools,
A Level History
lends itself to detailed discussion and the sharing of ideas and
interpretations. It builds on key skills of logic and reasoning as well as
studying the views of different Historians. Unit 1 focuses on the Early Stuarts
and the Origins of the Civil War 1603-1660 and includes a source enquiry study
on the execution of Charles I and the Interregnum 1646-1660. Unit 2 examines
the impact of WW1 on Germany, the rise of Hitler, Nazi Germany, the Holocaust,
the impact of WW2 and the defeat of Germany and the Federal Republic and the
GDR 1949–1963. Unit 3 covers the study study of different groups in US society
and how their civil rights change. These groups are African Americans, woman,
trade unions and Native Americans in the period 1865-1992. In Unit 4 students
will produce an in-depth study of between 3000-4000 words about a historical
controversy of their choice: developing planning, organisational and research
skills in extended writing.
The Key Stage 5 curriculum offers students the opportunity to explore a broad and diverse curriculum through the OCR exam board. Students in Year 12 study two pivotal moments in British and European History through the exploration of the Causes of the English Civil War and the Rise of Nazi Germany. Students in Year 13 investigate a diverse history of different marginalised groups in American society and their competing narratives through an in-depth study of Civil Rights in the USA. These topics encourage students to study in greater depth the topics that they have been introduced to at Key stage 3 and 4, allowing students to pick up core narrative threads that underpin political, ideological, religious, economic and social themes.
Furthermore, the History department aims to inspire students further in their learning, beyond the taught curriculum with a programme of outside of the classroom opportunities, guest speakers, Top University event; which are carefully targeted to encourage vulnerable student groups’ to participate.
Students can further develop their historical skills of analysis of contemporary documents, evaluation of a range of academic interpretations, and engagement with contemporary historical debate and are able to communicate their ideas clearly and convincingly. Ultimately culminating in the 4000 word essay based independent enquiry, of their choice, which allows students to utilise the skills set that they have mastered throughout their study of History at Highcliffe School. This rigorous and challenging project is a culmination of seven years of historical study which ultimately prepares students for further academic study.
Exam Board: OCR
Qualification Title: History
Qualification Specification Code: H505
Qualification Webpage: Click here to visit the OCR webpage for the specification.
Standard Sixth Form entry requirements
History lends
itself to a variety of degree courses including Law, International Relations,
Politics, Economics Journalism, Business and Finance and of course History.
History is also a popular choice for joint honours degrees with subjects such
as: English Literature, International Relations, Languages, Politics, Economics
and American Studies. History supports careers and Higher Education courses in
Legal professions, Journalism, Diplomacy, Social Work, Teaching, Heritage
Organisations and the Security Services. Our aim is to create independent
learners, critical thinkers and decision-makers – all personal assets that can
make them stand out as they progress to higher education and/or the workplace.
Mrs Roberts
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