New School Website: Mobile Friendly | Highcliffe School

New School Website: Mobile Friendly

One of the main aims for the redesign was to create a responsive mobile-friendly website, more and more people are using smartphones and tablets to access websites.

This will ensure that the whole website is available to all visitors using any device.
However, this means that some items have moved from their position on the current site, these have been moved to the top menus. The links for students have shifted into the new Student menu, and the Parents links have been added to a dropdown menu. This has meant that information can be easily found in one location!

The pages and menus change on mobile devices to make the site easier to use, as shown in the illustration below:



In our next post we'll be highlighting the recent changes to MyHighcliffe...

    Owned by: GWT | Last Published: 15/12/2015 11:22:04 | Next Update: NA

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