Step 1: Students will receive assemblies regarding Options and Careers over the first weeks of February.
Step 2: The options process will be launched through assembly and students/parents signposted to this website. Students and Parents should start to review subjects on offer.
Step 3: Students should use careers advice in lessons to inform them around how subjects link to possible careers and qualifications.
Step 4: Students and parents will be invited to the online Year 9 Subject/Parents Evening allowing parents to receive feedback on their child’s learning. This information can be crucial when making subject choices. This year this is on the 6th February.
Step 5: The Options System will go live detailing the possible choices by students ready for the Progression Evening. Students will not be able to enter their choices until later in the process.
Step 6: Our Options Evening will be held on the 5th March from 5:30pm IN SCHOOL. This is an opportunity to hear from teachers live about the different subjects on offer.
Step 7: Students and Parents will enter option choices in to the online system. Students will be able to submit their choices between 6th of March and 17th March online in MyHighcliffe. If you enter more than once we will use the most recent entry.
Step 8: The school will consider the option choices in relation to the school timetable and once complete confirm to parents and students the option subjects the student will be studying.
Step 9: Students will start their GCSE Curriculum in Year 10.
Owned by: MDS | Last Published: 12/01/2025 13:20:57 | Next Update: N/A