At Highcliffe we believe that appropriate school dress is conducive to creating a good working environment and promotes a sense of belonging to our school community. When dressed appropriately our students make a very positive impression upon the wider community who frequently comment upon their good behaviour and standard of dress.
“Uniform should be worn smartly and neatly at all times”
Highcliffe School uniform can be purchased from two providers. Stevensons of Southbourne
and PMG in New Milton.
Click here to view our Uniform Supplier Flyer.
All uniform must be labelled/named; a significant amount of clothing is misplaced and we cannot trace the owner because items are not labelled/named. Misplaced items which are labelled/named are returned to students quickly.
Approved school jumper. The jumper should meet the waistband of trousers or skirt, no midriff should be visible. The jumper should not be frayed, have holes or rips.
Years 7 through to 10 - Purple
Year 11 - Black
Years 7 through to 11 – Mid-Grey
Years 7 through to 11.
White, non-fitted shirt or blouse to be worn tucked into the students’ trousers or skirt with all buttons fastened.
Year 7 – 10 girls may wear a short sleeved, non-fitted blouse with revere collar during the
Summer Term.
All shirts must be tucked into the waistband of skirt or trousers at the front and back, with all buttons fastened.
Plain black leather style shoes are to be worn at all times. Black training shoes, trainer-style shoes and boots are not acceptable. Heels should not exceed 5cm.
Students who fail to wear plain black leather style shoes will be issued with black plimsolls from their pastoral office.
High heels, sandals, open toed or backless shoes or flip flops are not allowed for health and safety reasons.
Skirts should cover the knee at all times. The plaid skirt must not be altered in any way, taken in at the sides or length altered.
Approved school tie. Years 7 through to 11.
Year 7 – 10 girls may wear a short sleeved, non-fitted blouse with revere collar during the Summer Term, therefore no tie is required.
Girls may wear plain natural or plain black tights. No ‘coloured’ or patterned tights are to be worn.
Socks - plain white (with skirt only)*, plain dark grey or plain black. Other coloured or patterned socks are not acceptable. Pop socks are not acceptable with a skirt. Knee length socks should not be worn with skirts.
*White socks should not be worn with trousers. Only plain dark grey or plain black socks are to be worn with trousers, by boys and girls. Trainer socks are not acceptable with trousers or skirts.
Year 7 - 11
Further information about our school dress code policy can be found here.
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