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Online Safety Advice | Highcliffe School

Online Safety Advice


Online Safety is an ever growing and changing area of interest and concern. The internet and related technologies, including mobile devices such as phones, gaming media, tablets, and watches, are developing rapidly and are integral to the daily lives of many of our students.  

Many of these technologies are used to enable students to engage creatively with their learning. Socially, our students often use the internet for entertainment, interaction and communication with ‘friends’ – bringing about new risks which many adults were never faced with. It has never been more important for parents and carers to understand how their children use the internet and associated technologies, so that they can help to manage the risks that exist and reinforce the important online safety messages that we should all be promoting.

You can access our Online Safety Policy which outlines our approach to Online Safety in our curriculum, technically in school and how we aim to help parents understand the digital world to support their child(s) sensible and appropriate use.

Parent Guides

We will be regularly posting update posters and information via the Parent Bulletin but we have collated many useful pieces of information and guides


If there is an issue that you believe school needs to know about, please report via the Pastoral Support Button in MyHighcliffe or contact the school office.

Useful links for parents  

Thinkuknow from CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command from UK Police/National Crime Agency)

Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.  CEOP also includes a mechanism to report issues online directly.


Zipit App and Childline

The is app supports children to know how to respond to and prevent others seeking or sending inappropriate images of requests online. The app can be accessed by following the link below where there is also Childline advice on staying safe online.


NSPCC advice for online safety

It can be hard to know how to talk to your child about online safety. From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps. This website can help you to understand the risks and keep your child safe.


National Online Safety

This website has links to the information on different apps and games which we send out periodically.



    Owned by: SGR | Last Published: 27/10/2022 13:49:09 | Next Update: N/A