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Anti-bullying | Highcliffe School


Bullying affects lots of people and can happen anywhere: at school, travelling to and from school, in sporting teams, in friendship or family groups.

Bullying is usually defined as repeated behaviour which is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically. It is often aimed at certain people because of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation or any other aspect such as appearance or disability.


Bullying can take many forms including:

  • social bullying
  • threatening behaviour 
  • name calling
  • cyberbullying

If you are being bullied it is important that you speak to a trusted adult in school. The best place to report bullying is to your Pastoral Lead. If you can, take a friend with you.

Don’t be tempted to respond to bullying or to hit back as you could get hurt or get into trouble.

National Bullying Helpline

Advice and support if you are being bullied, including specific advice on how to manage bullying on social media.


Highcliffe School's Anti Bullying Policy

To access KCSIE in other languages please follow this link: Posters & Leaflets - Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership (pdscp.co.uk)


    Owned by: SGR | Last Published: 17/04/2023 12:18:49 | Next Update: N/A