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Admissions | Highcliffe School


Subjects offered at Highcliffe Sixth Form

 Acting/Drama  (BTEC L3)
Business Studies (BTEC L3)
English Language & Literature
English Literature
Extended Project Qualification
Film Studies

Fine Art
Further Mathematics
Health & Social Care (Cam Tech L3)
Media Studies
Music Performing (BTEC L3)
Music Technology
Physical Education
Product Design
Religious Philosophy & Ethics
Sport (Cam Tech L3)
Textiles Design

Sixth Form Admission Criteria 2019

To meet our Sixth Form admission criteria, applicants must have attained six grade 9-4 at GCSE including English Language and Mathematics (Maximum of two equivalents Merit or above).

Applicants wishing to study Mathematics must have attained at least a grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics, and those wishing to study Further Mathematics must have attained at least a grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics.

Applicants wishing to follow an A Level course in Biology, Chemistry or Physics must have attained at least a grade 6 in a Science at GCSE.


Course Pathways

Mainly grade 7 – 9 at GCSE
3 or 4 A Levels and the EPQ studied over two years with personalised additional enrichment that support preparation for adult life.A minimum of two facilitating subjects recommended.

Mainly grade 5-7 at GCSE
3 A Levels and optional EPQ
or 2 A Levels and a BTEC studied and optional EPQ studied over two years with personalised additional enrichment that support preparation for adult life.

Mainly grade 7-4 at GCSE
A mixed BTEC/CAM TECH and one A Level programme studied over two years with personalised additional enrichment that support preparation for adult life.

What next?

Stage 1

After the Open Evening, read at your leisure the course directory, enrichment booklet and our  prospectus. Applicants from other schools are welcome to contact the Sixth Form Office on 01425 282322 to arrange a tour of the school.
On-line applications for the Sixth Form are now open. The deadline for applications is Friday 21st December.  The on-line application form can be found on ‘myHighcliffe’ for students currently attending Highcliffe School. Students currently attending other schools, please apply on-line using this link.

Stage 2

Apply online to attend our Taster Day. You will be asked to select 5 taster courses. On-line booking is essential for students who are currently attending other schools.

Stage 3

After we have received your on-line application, you will then be invited to attend an interview. We will discuss your application and progress at school; we will also help you choose the most suitable pathway by exploring your career aspirations and current grade predictions. (Interviews take place early in the Spring Term 2019)

Stage 4

If you are successful at interview, you will receive a conditional offer of a place. You will be asked to reconfirm your course choices in July. This helps us to build your timetable ready for September.

Stage 5

You will confirm your place on-line after receiving your GCSE Results. 

Do not worry if you change your mind about the courses you wish to study. Amendments can be made subject to space on courses. 

Any further questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01425 282322 or e-mail sixth@highcliffeschool.com

Stage 6

Once you have confirmed your place, you will be given access to our Sixth Form transition portal, which has pre work to complete for each course before you begin and will have information about your first day and week in the Sixth Form.




    Owned by: ABR | Last Published: 25/09/2019 18:36:34 | Next Update: September 2017