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Independence in Learning | Highcliffe School

Independence in Learning

In order to aid the development of independent learning, we have started to create an effective learning environment and interventions, when necessary, to ensure our Sixth Form students are more independent.

A good working environment is promoted at Highcliffe through the specially designed study areas for our sixth form students. The study centre includes a silent study room and a small group study area, which enable students to work in an environment beneficial to their independent learning aims.

Throughout the academic year students will take part in workshops and events specifically designed to ensure every student receives the support they need to become more independent. These workshops and events will include:

  • Structured tutor time workshops on: time management, essay writing, proof reading, plagiarism, exams and revision and Harvard referencing
  • One-to-one sessions with the Sixth Form Study Mentor for students who may need intervention or are struggling with working at A-Level.
  • Exams and Revision technique whole day workshop

Additionally, for students looking to study at University level, there will be extra support and workshops after the Christmas holidays. This is to help our students understand the academic step to University and help prepare them. Support will include: preparing for Open Days, student bank accounts, referencing and researching at university level.

    Owned by: FLE | Last Published: 25/09/2019 18:36:48 | Next Update: June 2017