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Raising Aspirations | Highcliffe School

Raising Aspirations

Click here to view our Gifted & Talented Flyer.
Click here to view our Oxbridge Booklet.

Our Gifted and Talented Team works closely with students in the Sixth Form to raise aspirations and help enable students to achieve outstanding levels of success and fulfilment.

Our Gifted and Talented Programme includes the following elements:
• Oxbridge conference and residential trips
• Oxbridge and Medicine Mentoring & Support Programmes
• Oxbridge undergraduate shadowing schemes
• One to one academic tutorials
• Excellent individual advice, guidance and support with university/job applications
• Preparation for University Admission tests.
• Extended Project Qualification
• Engineering in Education Scheme with Royal Navy
• Medical work experience placements and courses
• Annual art exhibition at Highcliffe Castle

In Year 12, students who wish to submit an Oxbridge application attend a national conference run by Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Professors provide information and advice about the admissions process and students can witness a mock interview with an undergraduate student. This is followed by residential visits to Oxford and Cambridge Universities in June or July, providing students with an excellent opportunity to live in the halls of residence, attend a variety of subject seminars and get advice from current undergraduates and professors.

Heidi Barnett, who is reading Physics at Exeter College, Oxford, “found the Sixth Form staff and the Gifted and Talented team very helpful and knowledgeable about the Oxbridge application process. They were also highly supportive of my Oxford application in terms of guidance with my personal statement and interview preparation”.
Jack Field, who is reading Biological Sciences at Keble College, Oxford, said that “the Oxbridge trips I went on during Year 12 helped me realise that the subject I really wanted to study at university was Biology. The Oxbridge residential trip was amazing and confirmed my desire to study at Oxford University. Looking back now, I realise I have come a long way. I was very pleased with the help given by the Sixth Form. I couldn’t have asked for better advice about my personal statement and a mock interview with a professor at Bournemouth University was very valuable.”

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